Sunday, December 10, 2006

oh tannenbaum

We finally got the Christmas tree up. Vol-K was visiting London on business and she came down to the house yesterday. I made her decorate the tree and then make me dinner. You should come more often, Vol-K.

I wasn't the worstest hostess, though. I bought Ferrero Rocher and made spiced apple cider and tossed a salad to go with Vol-K's stuffed cabbage leaves. I put on Christmas music as she requested - so that she could decorate the tree.

In this view, you can't see the clutter

Here's Fancy, taking her place under the tree - the stones are to stabilise the tree. It's part of our defensive measures against Fancy's war on Christmas.

Here's what she did last year
2005-12-17 052


Anonymous said...

Years ago I installed a hook in the ceiling above where the tree sits. I tie the top of the tree to the hook with thin fishing line. Works wonderfully.

Vol Abroad said...

now that is a helpful tip!