Thursday, May 17, 2007

for honor

Anglofille has been writing about the death of a young woman in Kurdish Iraq. It's all pretty horrific. She was killed, savagely beaten to death, for being a gal who cut her own path. Her death and post-mortem kicking were filmed. How 'bout those cell phone cameras.

And while some of us find such a thing shocking - apparently the clip of her death and her bloody corpse being dragged off the streets have inspired more "honor killings".


These things don't just happen in Iraq or Afghanistan or Jordan or Egypt. No, they happen here, too.

While researching this issue of honor killings in Britain, I found a BBC news article from last September. According to their poll, 1 in 10 British Asians believe that honor killings are acceptable. The government estimates that 13 women in the UK die each year as a result of honor killings, but support groups say this number is way too low.


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