Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Memery - food for thought

I've been tagged with two memes. One about food and the other about thought.

The first was a while ago, and well, I've just had a lot on my mind. But it was very flattering. From Cup of Joe Powell, I was awarded the Thinking Bloggers award - which is pretty cool because his is a blog that makes me think. But it's poor form to tag back, so I won't.

The meme works like this...which bloggers make you think - the ones that make you go...hmmm, I hadn't thought of that - at least not quite like that. Pretty much everybody on my blog roll is there because of that. (And I need to update my blogroll - all you Blogger to WordPress defectors and just people I need to add)

I'd say Anglofille and Bob Krumm and R Neal (my blogging inspiration, truth be told) and Katie Allison Granju and my old pal at BB & B.

Here are the rules from NewsComa:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote


The other was much more recently and by Melusina - and it's all about where you like to go and eat. Well, here's my list.

1. Oh Boy - Thai restaurant on Garrett Lane - yummy and good value
2. The White Eagle - in Tooting Bec - not sure how much I'd want to eat there in the summer - since it's good stodgy Polish fair - but for heaps of good slavic soul food, you can't beat it. The restaurant is inside a Polish social club - and you actually have to walk through the faux wood pannelled scuzzy bar to get to the nicely appointed restaurant. But it's worth it.
3. At home - OK, it's kinda cheating, but we had some really good takeaway/delivery in our neighbourhood. In particular, a curry delivery joint called Coriander. Sadly, it seems to be shut now - without explanation (so I hope it has to do with cash flow rather than some local enforcement action). So now, if we want curry we have to go to...
4. Lahore Karahi - the Indian sub-continent is a big, big place - and each area has it's own kind of food. I'm no expert on the subtleties of the cuisine, but I just know I prefer the more BBQ flavor of Pakistani food vs. the fruitier, creamier South Indian cuisine. There are a lot of great curry houses in Tooting - including another legendarily tasty one called Mirch Masala.
5. Dim Sum in China Town for example at Gerrard's Corner. Just choose your dim sum off a checklist left on your table and the dishes keep coming. Soooo tasty dumplings. I haven't eaten here a lot, but it's so good and so fun - and since I don't know what most of those little things are so it's always a surprise.

The rest of this meme is a little complicated - so here we go -

Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the state and country you're in:
Nicole Tan (Sydney, Australia)
velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)
Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Olivia (London, England)
ML (Utah, USA)
Lotus (Toronto, Canada)
Yianna (Athens, Greece)
Melusina (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Vol Abroad (London, England)

2. List out your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location.

See above

3. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.

Ok, let’s keep it interesting. I tag:

OK, I'm gonna be totally self interested and go for Jen and Nicole who live not too far away from me (and gals - maybe places that deliver...we may not be going out a bunch in the near future). I'm also going to go for folks in places where I might go and eat...so let me throw it out to Chris Wage in Nashville, Tamara in Knoxville, and the Lynnster - just to cover that other grand division - not that I go to West Tennessee much.


Nicole said...

Thanks for doing the food tag...very nice of you to link the places!

ps hope you had fun doing the tag and do drop me a message if you know of your underlings doing hte tag so I can update you guys on my list..thanks

Anonymous said...

Hehe... OH Boy sounds to be a great name that fits a Thai restaurant.. when one taste the spicy food.

Dim Sum!!!! My favourite.. yummie yummie. I can eat loads of it. Hehe...

Thanks for your list. And glad you do the tag :D Have a nice day~

melusina said...

Man, I'd give anything for some good Thai food here. At least, I haven't found a place yet. I'm liking this meme, because Nicole Tan has a mondo list of all kinds of good places to eat all over the world out of it.

Thanks for following through on it =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you. I'm really touched.

p.s. Did the fact that I like arguing with the ViL tip the scales in my favor? ;)

Vol Abroad said...

No - 'cause he gets all tetchy, and I have to live with that.

Lynnster said...

One of my fave things, food (or really more specifically, eating out!)... I'll have to ponder this and come up with something good this week. :)

Jack McKay said...

Great readinng your blog