Friday, June 15, 2007

Post natal limbo

I feel a bit weird now. A bit disconnected from the world. I'm not ready to join the rest of the world just yet, it's true. I'm still in a lot of discomfort from the c-section and the leg swelling and the last time I went out in public I ended up in the emergency room. And I don't feel I have enough tricks in my parenting/ breast feeding bag to avoid stares.

Yesterday, we took Baby Cletus for a walk in the cemetery. This is pretty low key. But I still ended up with flourescent baby poo (we don't know if he bleeds orange, but boy does he poo orange). But there were some life lessons:

We learned:

1. Always bring a change of clothes
2. Always bring a sufficient materials for a diaper change - including portable mat. Cletus had his ass in the grass and he didn't like it.
3. Not all diapers are the same. Some do not prevent explosive leakage.
4. People stare at screaming babies - even if they are very far away.
5. Best to tuck that breast in as soon as baby Cletus is removed from the teat.

1 comment:

Furrow said...

If my husband (the Bama fan) were reading this, I'm sure he'd say it makes sense that the poo is orange. The blood is definitely crimson.

I don't care for either sports franchise, but I just felt myself channeling him so strongly that I had to exorcise him, lest his taunts torture me all day.