The boys at Six Meat Buffet posted this about a recently deceased liberal blogger. In poor taste? Yes. Funny? Not their best*, but there you go.
Brittney - the professional, paid blogger working for a Nashville ABC affiliate, whose work is central to strong Nashville blogging community and whose internet presence makes Tennessee a strong statewide blogging force, linked to that post.
Major league liberal blogger Jesus General then picks it up - here's his side of events. Apparently, he thought Brittney approved of the 6MB post.
Oh dear.
A member of the Tennessee online blogging community would know. Would know for certain that she did not approve. In an instant.
Therein lies Brittney's only mistake. It was an easy one to make. I do it all the time. On this blog, when chatting with friends, in my professional life. She assumed knowledge in her readers that they didn't all have.
Leagues of Jesus General's loyal readers descended upon our humble Tennessee blogging community, slinging shit.
Brittney resigned.
...baby cletus did wake up and did this...

so no more caps, gentle readers... anyway
i am deeply saddened by this. i think she's done a great job. i would be pleased as punch if she'd reconsider, but its her choice and i hope she gets (or keeps) a great position soon - she deserves it
on a personal note - as someone who hasnt lived in tennessee fir years - she has really helped me feel a part of the online community - and im sure im not the only one she:s welcomed and encouraged - id say more, but typing is hard
good luck Brittney.
* although this 6MB follow up
Now maybe the General is just getting bad information from his advisers or maybe he’s got a tactical ear of Rumsfeldian proportions, but he fragged some of his most loyal troops today. He rolled a grenade right into the Nashville Is Talking tent. Because sometimes you have to destroy the village in order to save it.
is genius
cletus will grow up to love e.e. cummings
9he didn't like caps lock, either0
I worked with Brittney at WKRN. She did a great job, and I'm heartsick over this. I hope she lands somewhere great.
BTW, congrats!
I agree with how Brittney and NiT helped TN expats feel like part of the online community - it is a great means of keeping close to home even though I am far away.
i should have said that i think part of the reason thi mistake could happen us because there was such a strong sense of community - so it was really easy to assume that people would know that smantix and brittney werent likely to agree
btw - thanks dana - hope yer doing well.
The whole thing was a catastrophic blunder on everyone's part. I realy wish Brittney hadn't linked to that particular piece of viciousness. Just because it's there doesn't mean it's worth sharing with the world. But if she decided she absolutely had to link to it, just a word of warning would've been helpful, something along the lines of "This next post is really nasty, but it shows where the other side is coming from." It's gotten incredibly savage over at JG, perhaps fatally so. Just a terrible shame.
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