In the old days, and in the impoverished community that she grew up in they left a few coins on the baby. (My understanding is that her childhood was kinda Angela's Ashes but Protestant, my mother-in-law used to play with potatos because she had no toys, but at least they had potatos) This was probably an important tradition - one that might have made the difference between enough protein in the early days and malnutrition.
But times have moved on and what with inflation and widespread prosperity and all we've gone on to paper money.

And baby Cletus is cutting edge. He also accepts PayPal.
PS Just kidding, y'all - look you won't see a PayPal button on this site.
PPS He's wearing one of the blankets made by this blogger's mom. He really likes them.
Looks like the little guy has scored over $40 so far. Well done!
She had so much fun making them, too!
She'll be tickled that you and Cleatus like them.
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