Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why I hate the movies

In the anticipatory phase of Baby Cletus's arrival, folks told me I should take advantage of my freedom and go to the cinema.

I said I appreciated the thought, and I was enjoying restaurant meals and such like, but that I had given up on the cinema years ago - and would only go about once a year.


  1. Too bloody expensive
  2. Movies are no good any more, out of my one film a year for the past several years - I enjoyed but one of them - Walk the Line.
  3. The experience isn't as good as it used to be.

And why's that?

Melusina nails it on the head:

To add insult to injury, there is now apparently assigned seating in this particular multiplex, which my husband finds dignified and civilized, but I just find it annoying. There is nothing like paying for a seat which forces you to climb over twenty people already sitting down instead of being able to sit in another row. I’d like a side order of fascism with my overpriced Pepsi, please.

For some reason this just drives me bonkers. In the theatre, I don't mind. But in the cinema, I like the advantage of arriving early and picking my seat - preferably near an exit row - so I can make a quick getaway should the movie be too rubbish to endure.

1 comment:

Vol-in-Law said...

You like Shaun of the Dead too, remember?

Pity Hot Fuzz was rubbish.