But now that I've kinda lifted my head from the epidural haze - I can see that the big stories brewing have been:
1. The London 2012 Logo.
I hate to admit, London Mayor Red Ken is right. The people who came up with this logo should be loaded into a burlap sack, along with their logo and a live rooster and throwed into the Thames. Well, Ken Livingstone just suggested that the designers not be paid, but I really don't think that's good enough.

Do you?
2. Paris Hilton's return to the slammer.
Regular readers will know I don't usually spare much time for celebrity goss. But clearly, this is the story of the week.
It's not the drunk driving or the probation violation that bothers me. Hey, we all make mistakes. It's the being dragged screaming from the courtroom, I can't stand.
No class.
When do we get to hear how your birth went?
(Or should I not want to ? ;-)
As for Paris, schadenfreude was invented just for this kind of a deal. Delicious.
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