Thursday, February 07, 2008

Romney drops out

Mitt Romney drops out. The best I can say about him is that had he won, I reckon he wouldn't have been the total disaster that that crazy McCain would be.


St. Caffeine said...

Just curious, VA, but what exactly makes "crazy McCain" crazy? I kind of figured he was the best of the lot as far as the Repubs go. I know a lot of the "true" conservatives' complaints about him, but what's he done to raise your dander?

Anonymous said...

How about McCain-Feingold? Severely restricts speech classed as political - the most important sort of speech.

Anonymous said...

McCain is more neocon than the Neocons - he was advocating "Ending Freedom in Our World" back when Bush was talking about a "humblw foreign policy". And because unlike Bush McCain really does act from conviction, he's exactly the kind of President who could start a nuclear war.

Anonymous said...

'Ending Evil' not 'Ending Freedom' - I get the slogans mixed up.

St. Caffeine said...

Okay, I get it now. All good points. I guess I was just thinking "warm fuzzy" thoughts about him because he pisses off the talk radio right so much.