Two brothers are facing a private prosecution in the UK brought on by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). What's the charge? They let their dog get fat. Real fat.
Alex Wylie, a vet from Bury St Edmunds who treated Rusty, said that the dog suffered from painful joints and breathing problems. “He did literally look like a walrus. There were times when he couldn’t get up."
This being a nation of animal-lovers, the story is getting quite a bit of coverage.
I was looking at this picture of my cat on my Flickr account when a colleague glanced over my shoulder and said quite causually - "How many years do you think those brothers are going to get?"
She's not fat - she's just extra fluffy.
Aww, Other Cat is a sweetie.
Coincidentally, I also "cat blogged" today. Oh, and my big cat is also "fluffy" rather than fat.
Maybe you should restock your pond.
Oh, if that dog has got some brothers in hot water, if anyone sees the girth of my dog Mabel, I'm going to the electric chair.
Fat dogs are well liked here in Hooterville, Tn. Maybe I'm safe.
I'd be in the same boat as Newscoma. My Beagle/Dachshund is really a small whale.
My big cat ain't fluffy, he's fat. Ginormous. But he has big blue eyes and is gorgeous anyway. Not to mention he is uber active despite his girth.
I don't know, I guess there might be a point where an animal is WAY too fat, if it can't get around or whatever, and obviously, we as pet owners have at least some control over that (unless they are outdoor animals who find extracurricular food).
Other cat thanks you for all the supportive comments, but my husband is determined to put her on a kitty diet
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