Our compost bin, with decorative kitty lid.
It's good stuff and it was time to remove the finished compost at the bottom to make room for new material. As is the current fashion, I do not dig in the compost but top dress only and let the worms do the rest of the work for me. It takes a little longer for the organic matter to work fully into the soil, but it's less damaging to the soil structure. Plus my beds are chock full of bulbs and perennials, I don't want to disturb them either.
I got quite a bit of compost out and on the beds, but did not finish my garden work. There are still a couple of bucket loads to spread and I need to reload the fallen leaves and dead summer annuals into the bin. But today there's a return to the gray skies and a cold, slow rain and I don't much fancy getting out into that to finish up.
What's in bloom
It's my gardening goal to have something in bloom every day of the year. It might not be much - a tiny blossom here or there, but at least to have something. This year I still have some of my summer annuals in bloom in this last week of December. They don't look like much - a bit raggedy frankly, but the thunbergia and the osteospermum are still going as well as my mini-marguerittes. My little south facing, South London garden is sheltered and it has to be very cold indeed before things get hit hard by frost.

Not exactly as they look now.
But not only do I have some summer things still going, I also have crocuses about to bloom. The very same bulbs that didn't bloom until mid February last year. The weather is very strange indeed when you have blossoms from summer 2006 in competition with the bulbs of 2007.
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