I don't have a team. I guess if I had a team I might lean toward the Braves, though apparently one of my great-grandmothers was an avid White Sox fan. And I have no animosity toward any team in major league baseball, either.
Buddy, who had about a million outfits when he was born - more than he could actually wear, has started running out of long sleeved shirts. It's a combination of fewer gifts in this size and just needing more outfits per day, what with him eating (and spilling) solids and crawling around on his belly.
So, being cheapos, we decided to go to a local used-baby-clothes sale. We arrived late, but that meant the crowds were gone and we found a table run by an American woman who had two little boys older than Buddy. She had a lot of American labels and she had a quite a few American sports themed outfits (which believe it or not aren't wildly popular amongst Wimbledon parents). We bought some hockey and basketball themed baby shoes and a baseball outfit.
Yeah, yeah I know...I don't like baseball. But this friend of mine does. And he's a huge Cards fan. And this was a little Cardinals outfit and it was only a pound ($2). And I thought, it's worth a pound just for the photos.

Was it worth it? (I just realised everything but his socks came from that woman's table. I should have got her number.)
*I have attended many t-ball games, though.
See, VA, aren't these pictures MUCH cuter than those of Buddy in his awful orange outfits?!?! I've given up on you, but maybe Buddy will be imprinted with an affinity for the beloved StL Cardinals. Yep, I know what he'll be getting for his birthdays.
Yes, I am quite pleased by this outfit, but even I have to pause over those shoes. I'm not sure even I could wear them.
those are his little hockey shoes - and they cost about 8% of the original retail price. Most importantly they are eay to put on - and they STAY on. So yeah, even though I wouldn't have chosrn the design, at least I'm not paying $35 for apair of baby shoes
How he looks so cute with the little red shoes!!!!
My mistake. I thought the shoes had the famous "crossed bats" Cardinals' logo. By the way, I'm thinking of "stealing" this pic and claiming it's my baby photo. Any objections?
That's great. It's absolutely worth it.
feel free!
Way cute. Zo has a whole cache of Alabama outfits. You'll be pleased to know that so far she's only gotten to use the bib. Bama has been spit up on many, many times.
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