But before I actually got to see the doctor, they led me to a cubicle and asked me to change into one of their hospital dressing gowns. I hate that. I'm a pretty quick undresser, so I don't much see the point of donning one of those of things. They're ugly and they don't do much for modesty. And there isn't much choice. There's the blue diamondy pattern or the blue diamondy pattern. Though this time there was a striking graphic print in shades of yellow.

Oh, and look what it says...

Hospital use only.
Does that really need to be said?
That's the same fetching gown they made me put on to move from the delivery suite to my postnatal room. I suppose it was a good idea since I was buck naked but that thing was foul.
We had reason to go the Emergency Room (US hospital) After the usual interminable wait in the WAITING room, we were placed in a curtain defined cubicle to wait some more.
Part of the furniture - round seats with wheels - protected by signs that read "Rolling Stools for Doctors Only"
And here I had thought even lowly patients should be allowed to kick the shit around too.
The Anonymous Vol-Papi
so which one did you end up putting on?
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