I'm not sure there will be another baby in London with quite the same outfit.
She also bought this outfit:

It's hard to make out, but that's smocking underneath those little Scotty Dogs. And of course, the Little Lord Fauntleroy collar is easy enough to spot - from like 100 paces.
That's right - we plan to raise Cletus to be tough and sensitive.
Sounds awesome... make sure you combo some of that Volunteer orange with that cammo!
Ditto on the awesome. BTW, have you served the locals any grits yet?
grits - to the locals?
do you mean for me to cast my pearls before the swine?
Yeah, occasionally I'll serve up my grits casserole - which no one has ever turned up their nose at (who doesn't love that cheesy, buttery goodness?) But on the other hand - only Southerners actually go nuts over it.
But the Italian version - polenta - is actually pretty common and quite posh. You can get that ready made (for a fortune). It's cooked to a more congealed consistency, but it's still good.
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