Last weekend was a big exception. We cleaned in advance of the Vol-in-Law's parents visiting us midweek. When we tired of that, we went out and distributed leaflets for this Tuesday's Conservative Party primary (more to follow on that later, I'm sure).
But we were back to the old routine this weekend. A lovely walk in Richmond Park. A little shopping in Wimbledon Village (not something I would advise the frugal shopper to partake in - as any village which has a Max Mara on the high street is probably not your average village) - and then dinner and zonking on the couch.
I didn't even manage to get very many good pictures. But I did spy a not-so-shy robin - and managed to slip off my back pack, open back pack, slip out camera case, open camera case, turn on camera, focus and shoot:

before the inevitable happened:

I also got a lovely shot of a Mandarin duck. I always wonder if the poor things will be slaughtered in an anti-bird flu frenzy one day - and the discovery of bird flu at a turkey farm in England in the last week or so only makes the question more pressing in my mind.

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