Baby furniture and accessories are outrageously expensive - I haven't seen such crazy pricing since my last "life event" - our wedding - though to be fair - coffins ain't cheap either. They'll get you every time you hatch, match or dispatch.
So I was quite pleased with our purchases. From new prices, I think we saved about $500 today - not counting the little stuff we bought.
Check out our Flickr baby stuff set - nothing from today yet, but I have uploaded a number of my mom's purchases. Mostly adorable, but with the occasional humdinger. You gotta love the Solid Gold shiny vest-cum-Hammer Time pants-cum velour Christmas outfit.

Sorry Mom.
It's not just for Christmas...and it does NOT have a cummerbund (it's a VEST).....and it cost $1.00
It is certainly worth every penny I paid for it. Besides everyone needs a laugh every now and then. (I really bought it because I thought Simon would like the toy soldiers! Dontcha know.)VolMom
This baby is gonna be too legit... too legit to quit...
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