Saturday, April 05, 2008

Radio wave

Used to be, on Sunday mornings, I'd switch it over to AM and tune in to the only and only country music station in the country to listen to a couple of hours of the classics while I cleaned the kitchen or worked in the garden.

The radio station went bust a couple of years ago and it hasn't been replaced. The development of digital radio brought Hungarian talk radio, and Nigerian faith music and French pop - but no country music.

It's a travesty, really.

And frankly, I've never been able to keep the kitchen as clean since then.

But some things in radio do last. Frank Strovel III - blogger at Left of the Dial - this week celebrated 15 years in his radio gig, by playing the classics on a Wednesday morning.

1 comment:

St. Caffeine said...

Assuming you have good internet service, you can listen to Carol Lynn (in the afternoons) on:

She's country as cornbread. I think you'd get a kick out of her -- especially her ads for local businesses. Oh and they play the old country music.