The law of the land...marriage is between one man and one woman. I saw this in the Merton Registrar's office. I guess this is part of the reason that civil partnerships were set up for homosexual couples, I suppose it was just too hard to mess with the statute law.
Presumably in the very same room where this sign is so prominently posted civil partnership ceremonies take place.
I've said it before. I'm in favour of gay marriage. I disapprove of civil partnerships as I think they're a squishy compromise that undermines the institution of marriage by encouraging chatterati heterosexual "partners" to create a committment contract-lite. I simply do not understand why people with kids and mortgages are still shy of the registrar.
Mmmmm....and I thought Europeans, oh sorry, Brits were so tolerant.
PS. The American version would certain leave out the "for life" part. VolMom
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