Oh no! What a wretched defeat. Being five hours ahead and a little sleep deprived, we went to bed at half time. Looks like it was just the right point to go.
Florida - 59 Tennessee -20
The rantings and musings of a Tennessee expat and long term London resident.
...we went to bed at half time..."
The Tennessee defense dozed off a little before you and slept soundly during the second half.
On a brighter note, Vandy beat Ole Miss. :-)
We only saw the last half. It was excruciating. VolMom
BTW, S's hair reminds me of another little girl I used to know, except that little girls hair was blonder. Can you believe P the giant. In the photo of the two of them sitting down, P is as tall and broad as his sister. Only her legs are longer. He and W will be mutt and jeff.
This was my favorite picture from the montage...
we made the same face about third quarter.
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