I put it together - carefully following the instructions - only to discover the dang thing just won't turn on - switch is busted or something. We had to take it back to the store. The Vol-in-Law accompanied me because he knew I was too fragile from the crushing disappointment to go alone. All the other models were too expensive or too big or both. The equipment hire store was out, but I've booked a rent-a-shredder for this Saturday.
But it's not all gloom - I have some blooms
Purple crocus - I love the orange.

An orange primrose - cultivar "Marietta".

Hey, I missed this one somehow.
My daffs are blooming spectacularly well this year and so are the mahonias. The weather was in the 70's on 3-1-06 and all the bradford pears are beginning to bloom. It is way too early for that or the global warming is worse than anyone suspected.
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