Sunday, February 05, 2006

Naked lunch

Another lost post from Saturday - reinstated.

We took K to the nekkid men restaurant for dinner last night. It's not really full of nekkid men - it's really just a normally funky small cafe, but the ladies' (and apparently the gents') is decorated with paintings of the partially clothed to completely disrobed.

Since this is a family blog (heh), I won't publish my photos of the art in the Ladies' restroom here - but you're more than welcome to have a look on my flickr account.

On the ceiling
Stall to the left
Stall to the right
My eye level view while seated

There are less fully exposed paintings in the hallways - but fleshly none the less

So here's one for the lads


Anonymous said...

I think the same person who drew the cartoons made those. They're crap. Put me right off my cereal, they did.

Dan said...

How come the ladies got some genital action but not the gents? Most disappointing!