That's right - it's not all grave preparation demonstrations and green coffins. No, there's organ music and what might possibly be the world's fastest hearse and rides on the motorcycle coffin cart. And a parade - a parade of hearses through the ages. Fantastic. Something for everyone.
Dispelling old myths and quite possibly creating strange new ones.

Strange basis for a Village Fete.
Why am I not in London right now?
No need to be here right now, it's next week you have to be here.
You know, I have been reading your blog starting from the beginning, and I wasn't going to post anything waaay back here, because I didn't know if you would even see it, but I just HAVE to say that that cemetery festival sounds pretty darn cool. They never do anything like that in the states - that I know of...
Craft of the stone mason.... awesome!
OH, and I adore your kitties!
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