Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ice breaker activities

Tomorrow I'm running an event and we're planning an ice breaker activity.

I usually balk when I'm asked to do these. (You want me to build a bridge out straws and a piece of notebook paper? You want me to explain my job in three words to ten people I don't know? You want me to introduce one person to two other people?) But I expect all my group participants to play along when I ask them to do it.

In the past, I asked people to give their names, their jobs and the last song that was running through their head. That one worked well. I could tell that some people were lying. They were lying to avoid embarassment, because they thought the song was stupid, but the song they admitted was still stupid. I liked the people who admitted to having silly songs running loose in their brains. I had respect for them. It was a good icebreaker.

Tomorrow I think I might ask participants to name a fun, useful website that they visit on a regular basis. My plan is to get to put them all up on a flipchart and look at their common characteristics. (Informative, easy to navigate, etc)

These people aren't big web users, so I'm hoping we don't get 20 responses that are all "I dunno, Google?". But maybe it will go well. Maybe one person will admit that their fun and useful website is

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