Monday, January 16, 2006

What's new Pussycat?

I'm away for three weeks and what do I find when I return home?

George Galloway on Celebrity Big Brother. Ewww. It's unseemly for a sitting politician to participate in such things. I'd think less of my MP if I found out he were even watching this show. I have to admit that I don't know who half these people are, but he's sharing a house and screen space with such luminaries as: Maggot, the Welsh rapper; Dennis Rodman, NBA cross-dresser (in my view the only real celeb); and Faria Alam whose claim to fame springs solely from sleeping with the chairman of the Football Association (governing body for English soccer) and England Manager, Sven Goren-Erikkson and the tabloid scandal fallout.

This is the same George Galloway, "Respect Party" MP for a London East End constituency, George Galloway of "Sir [Saddam], I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability.... And I want you to know that we are with you until victory, until victory until Jerusalem." George Galloway of testifying before Congress and thus becoming the darling of certain misguided anti-war activitists in the US.

There have been calls from both consituents and political adversaries that he quit the show. Parliament is in session, which means he's AWOL from his job.

George says that his Big Brother strategy is to raise politial awareness and money for his charity. (He also gets some cash). Channel 4, broadcasters of Big Brother, are editing out his political comments, citing political "fair and balanced" broadcasting rules. Others are calling for his stated charity InterPal to be banned in the UK (as it is in the US). InterPal ostensibily raises cash for the poor and downtrodden of Palestine. But British intelligence services have advised that InterPal be given another look.

But perhaps the most horrible thing about it is that you can't avoid it, news programs are running clips of his BB antics. Particularly, where he's acting like a cat, licking imaginary milk from actress Rula Lenska's hands. I'm not easily offended, but watching that, my stomach lurched.

Watch the video here via SkyNews, and never say the Vol Abroad doesn't provide good value - you'd normally have to pay good cash to see perverted films like this.

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