When I take a train with my pussy, some people are often interested in us.
I bet.
I know it's innocent enough, but I can't help but snicker when I hear or see this usage. My father-in-law often enquires about my pussy. I try to keep a straight face.
When we lived in NW London a lovely old couple lived in the flat beneath us. They had a fondness for our cat (now deceased) who often lept from our 2nd floor balcony and since this was not allowed by our apartment complex, we'd have to go out and hunt for her and try to bring her back. They were actually quite fond of her (I think they secretly fed her, but I wouldn't have minded) and always asked about her or mentioned if they'd seen her, but they never called her by her name.
One morning, the Vol-in-Law and I were in the lobby as the old couple were leaving their flat. Mr. L said:
"Are you going out looking for Pussy?"
I knew what he was talking about and answered according to context, but the Vol-in-Law exhaled loudly and fell against the wall in paroxysm of barely constrained laughter.

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