My cat referred to on this blog as "Other Cat" has her good qualities, she's very sweet. But she really is kind of a secondary pet. When her mother died, we had to go out and get another cat, because she's really just not an adequate pet on her own.
However, I think she's pretty photogenic. And she features in the second most viewed of my photos - and this is what I see when I go through my sets.

Nobody counts white and black cat as a favorite.
Poor thing. Won't somebody count white and black cat as a favorite?
This idea was suggested by the Vol-in-Law, cause it makes him sad. He thought a blog appeal might fix the problem.
I would count this dear baby as fave if I could but I guess I am not smart enough. I love cats..I have 5..I actually have a house just for my dear girl, Jane. She wouldn't leave the kitchen when she lived here. She went to live with my mother when my Dad died. When my mother moved into my brothers house I moved her into my week end home. She is grey and white..Oh and she has a big butt ( well so do I.)
I think you can tell ViL to relax. I tried at least to add Other Cat to my favorites. I'm not sure if it worked, but I did the best I could.
Oh, Vol, you have sunk to new lows. Next we'll see you and Black and White cat on the slip road, a tin can dangling from your orange gloves and a hand-lettered sign reading "Secondary pet needs Flickr votes. Can you help?"
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