Annie Mole the pseudonymous author has a bone to pick with the sartorial sense of her fellow commuters though. She even has a whole Flickr set of fashion victims. Londoners count 7 million, at least half of whom have what might be kindly termed a sense of fashion whimsy and another quarter who just don't give a toss, but there are yet only 95 pics in the set. None of whom, I am relieved to say, are me*.
There are some choice ones... the combination of ugg boots and metallic handbags, lurid tights, dubious claims printed in inappropriate places, and this one has to be my favorite. One of my cousin's girlfriends wore an outfit not dissimilar (but without jacket) to both my grandfather's funeral and a family wedding.
Notable by its omission, Ms Mole doesn't seem to have any photos of the furry look that's been popular this year. Is this an accidental omission - or does is she partial to fur-trimmed look herself?
*Though these have not yet made their debut in the London Underground...I did wear them on BART - the Bay Area Rapid Transit - here's a shot in the Oakland station.

I've never seen this blog! It looks great. But don't these fashion victims notice they're having their photos taken?
Nah - I guess we commuters all so studiously ignoring each other that we don't even notice. I've stood face in in the armpit of people I know for a couple of stops before we recogise each other.
Nice blog from a fellow Tennesseean. I've blogrolled you for future reading. Thanks for visiting Right Truth
Come visit again, y'all, the door is always open.
Going Underground is a great blog - a sympathethic ear for my tube aggression!
Hey Vol - thanks for that
And I'm pleased to say that the Furry look doesn't seem to have made it onto the Tube yet!!! :-)
Try the Met, Circle and Hammersmith between Farringdon and Moorgate. It's like a convention of cave women!
I haven't seen many furries on the Northern yet, but it was much in evidence on the overland line from Victoria to Balham on Thursday night.
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