Still nary a daffodil in bloom in my tiny London garden.
This was last year at this time:

This is my "furthest ahead buttercup":

But at least one of my crops seems to be growing well:

Want one of these catflowers yourself? I'll trade ya - three seeds for a cow.
My garden is in the same state. I managed a pic of a few daffodils in tight bud, and a few primulas. I hope spring comes soon.
This picture is too cute. I might have to pose Zoloft later this spring when I get things planted on my porch.
Well you could be in TN where everything is in bloom (pears, peaches, plums, forsythia,and everything else is opeing up or leafing out--and we're to get a Yankee Clipper over the next two to three days. This is worse. Be glad you have intelligent flowers.
I'm quite surprised to see such a shy cat taking such a public crap. She does look a little embarassed. Poor pussy. She has exactly the same look on her face as what she displayed when I had her cornered in the TV room.
She won't have been going to the toilet - she just likes to sit in the flowerpots & other enclosed places!
she thought she was being cornered by Home Invader Kitty -he was up on the shed roof glowering down on her menacingly- that's why she had that look.
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