And indeed they are. We had an above average size refridgerator and still we got the "It's so little."
When we lived in a semi-furnished flat, we had two fridges - ours and the landlords. One fridge we set cold, for milk and beer and the like, and the other we set cool, for fruit and vegetables. Not terribly energy efficient, but it was a nice set up.
When Vol K was visiting recently, she remarked on the diminuitive stature of our food cooling device. The Vol-in-Law, after years of such comments from other American visitors, suddenly noticed the smallness of our old fridge - and decided we needed a new one. Since we already have a deep freezer, we decided (perhaps foolishly) that we could do without one that had a freezer compartment.
The new refrigerator arrived Friday and we went food shopping yesterday - so next time Vol K visits (in a couple of weeks - she now comes this way on business) - she'll still find it a little small by American standards.
Our new fridge click through for notes on our larder items

Food arrangement is by the Vol-in-Law, my role in putting away groceries is to hump the bags from the car - since I tend to take a "shove it anywhere" approach to storage.
Are you going to need some new magnets to cover the new space?
That's a point of contention. I'm not currently allowed to put but one fridge magnet on the front - but I do have a lot around the side.
Egads! Does the Vol-in-Law know just how much time, effort, and thought went into those magnets? Okay the answer is "not much" for the ones I contributed, but still a fridge without magnets is not really a fridge!
what a beautiful refrigerator! I think it's the perfect size. Of course, in America, everything is oversized. I think I see a beer in there for me...
Not to worry - they're all still on display...I'm just biding my time, letting the newness sink in before the magnets move around to the front.
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