The rantings and musings of a Tennessee expat and long term London resident.
Unfortunately, we will never see him [recently passed Buck Owens] hosting Hee Haw again. Have you ever noticed that there are no Hee Haw reruns? Probably not. The reason? It's enough to start a second War Between the States.Whaa??
When Viacom bought TNN, in the most egregious, arrogant, East-Coast, New-York, Cable-TV-executive ass-holery move ever, the execs at Viacom looked at the assets involved in the sale and said, "What's this "Hee Haw" shit? Some kind of hayseed, hillbilly show? Get rid of it! And change the name to SPIKE TV!"
So 25 years of Americana was burned. The Hee Haw masters were BURNED.
My Professional Opinion
Don't cry for me, Argentina. It is true that I've got cancer, and it'll be true that I'll have a time of suck to get through, but everything should be okay. The type of cancer I have is 100% treatable and has very successful treatment plans.
If you've got to have cancer, it's not one so shabby to have. I will be on a thyroid-replacement hormone for life, but it's relatively cheap.
We very seldom link to International squirrel stories, but this one caught our eye. This is a rather strange tale reported in a BBC News Story Dec 05 where red squirrels are reported to have chewed a dog to death. Mmmh, we'll let you make up your own mind..
This is the 17-year-old from Luton whose dress sense and physical form are now the number one subject for conversation in every household in the country; and yet for years we have been asked to believe that the reason she wanted to vindicate her right to break school rules, and wear a tent instead of shalwar kameez, was to protect - in the word of her lawyer, Cherie Blair - her "modesty".
What total tripe. This ludicrous and lamentable case had nothing to do with "modesty". I don't believe she wore the jilbab to "regain control of her body" any more than I could hope to wear a smarter suit and thereby regain control of my own.
I haven't been to a nightclub in years, I'm more of the chatting in pubs type of slag.
Mr Akbar allegedly said [when selecting targets]: "The biggest nightclub in central London, no one can put their hands up and say they are innocent - those slags dancing around."
Somebody nicked some of our intellectual property - we discovered at work today. Obviously I can't go into the details, but it's a hassle I don't really need.
But instead I'll tell you about how the Vol-in-Law and I recently were sent a cease and desist letter along with a demand for a bunch of money.
It's nothing we did. But for some time a guy (who uses a variety of pseudonyms - but let's call him Ed in this post) has been using our address to have things posted to relating to his "psychic fair" business. Mostly we get copies of the local rags where his psychic fairs are advertised, or we get copies of invoices for bills Ed's already paid in cash. One time Ed prepaid for some collectible coins, and accidentally had them sent to our address. Naturally we pocketed the roughly five pounds (maybe around 9 dollars).
This time though it was a letter from the lawyers of a well known British tv psychic/hypnotist who claimed that Ed's website was infringing on his trademark or business model or some such. The Vol-in-Law, who happens to teach this kind of stuff, said that the case was reasonably weak which was why they were only asking for one thousand pounds in compensation rather than much more.
Normally, getting threatening letters from prestigious firms of solicitors is hardly a cause for joy. This time though it had several benefits.
The ViL happened to be teaching a lecture the very next week on that subject and here he had a real life, amusing, but cogent example to share with his students. Plus through discovery of Ed's website we were able to find a phone number and the Vol-in-Law left a message telling him to stop using our address. I listened and asked "weren't you going to tell him about the legal action?". Nah. "I'm going to let that be a surprise.".
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When the two men who make up Custer Battles - Scott Custer and Michael Battles, (who ran unsuccessfully as a Republican Congressional candidate in 2002) - arrived in Iraq, one former workmate said they didn't have enough money between them to pay the $15 airport tax. Within months they had contracts worth $37.5 million for security and transport work.
In the case that ended last week, Custer Battles were found guilty under the false claims act on three counts. Now they've been ordered to pay back approximately $11 million. The attorney who led their successful prosecution told Dispatches: "There is an orgy of greed among the contractors in Iraq. American law was suspended, Iraqi law was suspended and Iraq basically became a free fraud zone.....in a free fraud zone you can steal anything you like."
I must remind them that - given the team that Bruce Pearl inherited - this team has overachieved all season long. They worked hard and left it out on the court all year - they had simply run out of gas at the end of the season. It was a team without depth but with plenty of guts.The dream is not over... really, it's just the beginning.
A few years ago, whenever the first mad cow scare was, I hadn’t been paying much attention to the news. I did, however, notice that steak, even at Kroger, was plentiful and cheap. I ate like a goddamned king all summer long.It was ten years ago that we had the height of the BSE -mad cow disease -scare in Britain. It was my first summer here. Did I avoid British beef? Did I, heck. VolMom, VolBro, the Vol-in-Law (then just Vol-boyfriend) and I watched a House of Lords debate on the BSE crisis in the summer of '96 and then went off for steak dinner. I took advantage of the cheap beef prices which weren't as cheap as they might have been because the British public - after a few cautious weeks - were all taking advantage of the low, low prices too. Domestic beef sales went up (but of course the international market completely fell away).
My neighbour has his hosepipe running all night. What is Thames Water going to do to stop this waste of water?
All violations of water use restrictions will be taken seriously. If you wish to make a formal complaint, we would be grateful if you could let us have a written statement.
Will you prosecute me if I still use my hosepipe or sprinkler?
All violations of water use restrictions will be taken seriously and this could include a £1000 fine.
I've just managed to catch the last few minutes of Crufts - the big British international dog show.
Two things strike me. First of all the dog show had days of live (though not unbroken) coverage on a national network. Almost as much as the recent comprehensive winter Olympics coverage. The British love to televise their festivalls. There's even daily coverage of the Chelsea flower show. As a keen gardener who despises the seething crowds of Chelsea, I appreciate watching a few minutes on tv.
The second thing that struck me was the ending of the six month pet quarantine in favor of the pet passport scheme has its downside. Once a British domain, Crufts is now open to all comers. An American dog just won Crufts for the second year in a row.
Go USA! Let's all give a paw to a California based Australian shepherd called Chance. Beautiful dog.
The City Paper is growing and changing,” TCP Interim Publisher Jim Ezzell said. “We will continue to make our paper better every day, and Clint is just the person to lead us into the future.”I hate to say it, but when I think of him, I still think of 17-year-old Clint, apoplectic over my prank. It's hard enough to think that I'm supposed to be a responsible adult without imagining old acquaintances having matured, too, and even leading people into the future. Or maybe I should just grow up.
It's in the evening after dark
When the blackleg lecturer creeps to work
With his crumpled suit and dirty shirt
There goes the blackleg lecturer
He takes his chalk and down he goes
To shape the minds that lie below
But there's not a student in this town row
Would look at a blackleg lecturer
Oh, University is a terrible place
They rub wet clay in the blackleg's face
Around the classrooms they run a foot race
To catch the blackleg lecturer
Dinna gan near the office mine
Across the way they stretch a line
To catch the throat and break the spine
Of the dirty backleg lecturer
So take your notes and pen as well
And hoy them down the pit of hell
Down ye go and fare ye well
You dirty blackleg lecturer
Join the union while ye may
Don't wait until your dying day
For that may not be far away
You dirty blackleg lecturer
I've been writing, writing, writing for work - which means I have little extra joy in the written word these days. I feel like I'm constantly juggling drafts. One goes out to design and the next comes back with comments. So if the blog seems a little thin these days, without its usual verve, that's why. Plus I think I might be getting carpal tunnel syndrome from all that typing. The top joint of my right index finger is distinctly achy.
I've also discovered today that I miscalculated my annual leave, my vacation days. I have 5 days I need to take between now and the end of March - which is impossible because I have drafts to juggle. And they have to published and paid for by the end of March, too.
To find out if a number is divisible by seven, take the last digit, double it,
and subtract it from the rest of the number. Example: If you had 203, you would
double the last digit to get six, and subtract that from 20 to get 14. If you
get an answer divisible by 7 (including zero), then the original number is
divisible by seven. If you don't know the new number's divisibility, you can
apply the rule again.
When I was home over Christmas, VolMom oft lamented VolBro's single status. She said "I think what he needs is to find a good woman and settle down."
Today is VolBro's birthday, and though he is still a young 28, by Lawrence County standards that's long in the tooth. We hitch young, and many of his Law-Co-Hi classmates will be on their second or third marriage by now.
VolMom's birthday is in less than a week so in a birthday present to them both I have decided to advertise my brother on this blog in search of a "good woman". This is thoughtful on more than one account (well done me!), as the women in our family can be fierce and VolBro has always been a little concerned that we might have friction with a prospective bride. If I select and vet, we should avoid this problem.
Prospective candidates:
What's on offer:
You can find my email address in the blogger profile, photos of VolBro can be supplied to serious applicants.
Update: There's a testimonial to his looks in the comments. He has dark brown hair and eyes, and isn't untall.
Happy Birthday VolBro!