Monday, January 01, 2007

I resolve

The big one:

I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. But occasionally, I'll resolve. I've already given up smoking, so there goes an obvious one. I've thought about self-improving ones, like eating more whole grains. But I've decided on one that I think will make me both more likeable and more satisfied with myself, but will also spread a little kindness through the world. I will praise more.

I'm a bit critical. So, in my relationships at home and at work, I will praise more. I will not wait until the right moment or use it (exclusively) to soften the blow of criticism. I will just praise.

(BTW, if you know me in real life, it may take me a while to work up to this. So don't pressure me. Also, note that I've not resolved to criticise less - just to praise more.)

Blogging resolutions:

  • I will update my links list (before the end of January).
  • I will link more to others - including more praising good writing by others.


Anonymous said...

I praise your resolution. Praise is highly undervalued. So many times over the past year, I was feeling low. And then someone would unexpectedly pay me a compliment or praise my work and it made all the difference.

Happy 2007!

John H said...

happy 2007! I like your 'praise' resolution as well.