I'm not just a little bit pregnant either, but like almost five months pregnant. I may not be easily shocked, but it takes me a little while to come round.
Anyway, I've already noticed it getting in the way of my blogging - 'cause like I want to relate my hilarious adventures of cross-cultural pre-natal care in the NHS, but that would have seemed a little bit odd if I'd said "a funny thing happened to a friend of mine".
Plus, though my blogging identity has never been that clear to me or probably to anyone else (just what kind of a blog is this?) one thing it wasn't was a Mommy Blog. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that I figure I've got the number one Tennessean in London blog and do I really want to even dabble in the same category as blogging supremas like Busy Mom, Suburban Turmoil (also pregnant) and Katie Allison Granju (also pregnant) who has written like real books on parenting.
We've been calling it Cletus. As in Cletus the Fetus. Cletus has his own website - www.cletusthefetus.com ...sort of... it's a lapsed URL now, but here's the tag line:

Featuring cartoons about a talking fetus who escaped from an abortion clinic. Offers episodes, bios and downloads.
Well that sounds like a laugh a minute, can't imagine why that's not still going. I'm not sure it would be worth me buying up the URL at this point, since nobody but me and my brother think that calling "it" Cletus is funny or cute. I'm a bit worried that if it's a boy, it will be stuck with the moniker Cletus - though I can guarantee you that it won't be appearing on any birth certificate.
So, my Vol blogging was light this Fall - I was a little distracted by the whole nausea, pregancy-shock thing. But for the record - and summing up a whole season of missed football posting - at least the Vols did better than last year. However, I reckon Phil better watch his step after that Outback Bowl performance. I didn't know what time the game finished, but I knew we'd lost before looking up the scores because of the number of people landing on my blog from the search string "Fire Phil Fulmer". Yikes. The Vols started out good, but it sorta petered out.
Anyway, my point is, win or lose, boy or girl, I will be raising this child in full Vol-itude. I haven't bought a single baby thing yet - or even really started looking, but I have noticed that there are a lot of cute Lil' Volunteer things on the market.

All photos have been ripped from Team Baby Entertainment
I even suggested to the Vol-in-Law that if we had a girl we could name her Chelsea Volunteer (Chelsea after my favorite English Premiership team). And believe it or not, he only vetoed the Chelsea bit.
Congrats!!! That's really fantastic. I'm so happy that it is happy news that you weren't blogging about and not something terrible.
I like the look of the new blog!
Congratulations! Future mommy blogger! I didn't set out to be a mommy blogger, but since I'm a mom and I blog, I didn't have much of a choice. But a mommy blogger from Tennessee in London! Now that's something different altogether! :)
Congratulations! My dad would be tickled pink (or orange) at the middle name Volunteer. Big Vol family here :)
That's funny...my friend and her husband who had their baby about a year ago also called him Cletus before he was born. They didn't know the sex and didn't want to share any possible names, so they just called it Cletus. And yes, it did take a while to get used to calling him his correct name once he came along.
Good Luck!
A baby! A baby! Congratulations!
I say just write about whatever you feel like writing about and don't put too much thought in to "what kind of" blog to have.
Good for you!!!
Doesn't it feel good to be out of the secret pregnancy closet? Woo-Hoo! We're super excited for you.
(And you know my family thought Cleatus was a great name when your Mom announced it at Christmas breakfast...)
Oh, I am so glad I can make comments as a VolGrandMom now. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Whenever I am bored or down I just think of Cletus and I get so happy. Thank you and the Vol-In-Law.
VolMom aka VolGrandMom
Sorry for the delayed congrats, Vol. I've been running behind. Regardless, CONGRATULATIONS! Gosh, I guess you're a real grown up now. I'm having trouble with that. Do, I take it "Fulmer" will not be part of the child's moniker? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Congrats! Wonderful news.
But, uh, what if, despite all your good Vol upbringing, Cletus prefers Vanderbilt? Or, god forbid, Alabama?
Congrats! What fantastic news!!! :)
Melusina - should any child of mine don Bama "Crimson" then I will have to hand him/her over to my brother for "re-education".
Besides - that mobile actually plays Rocky Top - I'm going to indoctrinate young.
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