Most cats I've had have felt the same way. Not Fancy.
She woke me up this morning before dawn , cold and wet and purring and so excited. I got up to pee (as my poor smushed bladder often calls me to do these days) and saw the glow through the bathroom window. There's something unmistakable about the quality of even nighttime light when everything's covered with snow.
Fancy ran down stairs and up again wanting me to accompany her into the garden. I waited until it was semi-dawn (that's after 7 in London in January) pulled on my rubber boots and watched her galavant through the snow. I think this may have been her first experience of snow. She loved it. She even loved pawing the slushy pond and drinking the near frozen water.
She was so happy and having so much fun it made me see snow afresh through the glittering eyes of my excited cat. Well, that is until I had to trudge over slick sidewalks and through melting, gray London slush to get to the Underground this morning.

testing again
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