We did buy a couple of books. But as far as a newborn's immediate needs we've bought nothing.
Plenty of time. But I decided to go out shopping today. And I still have nothing that a new baby needs, but I've satisfied my own need to know that there are plenty of cute things out there for a baby boy.
I told the ViL that I had bought only frivolous items - and he rolled his eyes. But even he had to admit that the items I selected were "precious" and he was very impressed indeed by the low, low prices I paid (I did have quite a bit of hunting through the picked over sales racks).

Deer sweater - I got the biggest size they had, but unless we have a small kid or there's an unseasonable cold snap in August (not completely unknown) we may not get much use from this. But it was sooo cute.

England swim trunks in two different sizes - 'cause they were just too cute to grow out of

Just in case I need to take baby out into the rain... Actually, if there's one thing I like it's good quality outerwear - and why shouldn't Cletus take after me and also own too many jackets?

Alright, this looks like something a real baby might actually wear...
How fun! The trunks are priceless.
He's going to need some big orange gear...
Yes, yes he is.
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