Monday, July 30, 2007

Before and after

An expectant blogger mom has pretty much finished her nursery - all bar the finishing touches and, well - the baby. And it's all pretty darn impressive.

I have to say it makes me feel a little like an underachiever. It pretty much looks like it's out of a book and their before was a gutted attic, so many would be hard pressed to do that much. But we're a long, long way off that.

Ol' Cletus hit the 8 week mark on Sunday and our "nursery" looks a lot more like a before than an after. I'm not a home decorating guru, so I set the bar reasonably and realistically low on our nursery standards and we haven't even met that. For example I was asked:

What color are you going to paint the nursery?

I was just thinking of leaving the walls the original off-white. I like off white - it's the best pallet for the imagination. But I will get some spray cleaner and wipe off those random marks on the wall and I might clean the kitty nose prints off the window.

Progress update: strange black marks and kitty nose prints still intact. On the other hand, we did manage to clear a shelf for all of Cletus's new clothes. And now instead of a random pile of law books and novels on top of the dresser there's a random pile of baby stuff. And for us, that's a big, big deal.

We don't even have a crib set up. It's still propped in pieces behind a chair in our living room. Thank goodness we planned on co-sleeping.


Anonymous said...

I'm a bit ashamed of just how into decorating the nursery I am. I know that the time and money could be better spent and that the room will be a mess as soon as she gets old enough to play in there, but I can't help it. I was raised that way. And besides, it may be the last creative outlet I have time for for quite a while. So stay tuned for my pics.

clara said...

don't feel bad, my littlest guy has no room at all! I agree, good thing we cosleep.

Anonymous said...

I had hand-me-down nursery stuff, and it lasted through two babies.

I advise you to wait a couple of years and then hand Cletus some crayons. He'll have that wall decorated in no time.