We were cutting it close. We only had a few days left to register him or the Queen got to name our baby and when he was four they could take him away to join the Royal Sweeps Brigade cleaning the chimneys of London for a ha'penny a day. Wheww....we saved ya, Cletus. Nick o' time. Do you think the Queen would have given him a worse name than Cletus?

Now he is a real boy.
For an obviously healthy and robust baby, what benefits would be due from the gummimint?
Maybe she would have named him Sir Cletus of Tooting!
Phew! Close one.
What a lovely picture, that is.
We get £17 a week in Child Benefit - but we don't any tax deduction for the little blighter.
Whew! Now for those passports. VolMom
No deduct?
Sir Cletus Mac Pooter, The Lord High Admiral of Tooting
He's so cute!!
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