Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I was sad because I had no shoes

I've been sad because I have no shoes. Or rather, I have loads of shoes, many of which I like. But none of which fit. Because my feet are still swollen.

They don't look like this anymore, thank goodness.

My swollen feet

But I still have only three pairs of shoes that fit. Two pairs were bought during the swelly phase of the last days of my pregnancy and one pair is some flip flops left by an Australian...man...with hobbity feet. I also have a pair that VolMom bought while she was over here, but they only fit on good days.

So anyway, I was sad because I had no shoes that fit...until I met a doctor who said that my feet and leg swelling and tenderness could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. So I'm spending today at the hospital getting blood drawn, and scans and such like. The scan department closes for lunch, so I'm here blogging and eating a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. There sure are some advantages to living across the street from the hospital.


On the upside - no clots. Hurray! But I do have to go back next week for another scan.

On the downside - you know when they say you should always have a nice pair of underwear because you never know when you might end up in the hospital. Well, that is advice I failed to heed and regretted deeply when the hot South African doctor did my scan. Yeah, I know I'm not exactly a hot property right now - six weeks post partum, swollen and with a little baby that looks just like his Dad. So the granny underwear was probably not the deal breaker.

1 comment:

genderist said...

Fingers are crossed that the scans go well!