The cats sang protest songs on the way up. Sadly, they were not in harmony.
We had to wait forever and we failed to bring anything to read. I learned all about Leo, the 17 year old cat. He has 3 to 6 months to live. Max and Lester, the fluffy dogs of breed unknown (to me) are old and sick. One is fat and the other is crazy. They both looked fine.
We read all the brochures in the waiting room and a notice appealing for the return of Bob the Cat, who is described as lost. Bob is a handsome sleek cat of tuxedo pattern and is sadly missed by his people and feline companions. His owners have seen Bob several times but he won't return to the house. Sad owners, let me give you a tip, Bob the Cat is gone. He ain't comin' back. He's found a better living situation. You have been left. Bob will come back when the people he found that he likes better than you fail to live up to his early hopeful expectations.
Our regular vet wasn't in, but the locum vet was very sweet. And even though I like our vet, I'm afraid seeing him is always colored by the memory of him killing our previous cat, who died of mouth cancer (well, technically of euthenasia drugs), taking a lot of our money with her as she went.
Other Cat had her examination first and the cat box had to up-ended and shaken before she would get onto the examination table. Fancy waltzed out of her box and pranced around the table demanding to be petted by the vet and the veterinary assistant. I was so pleased. For so long we've had freaky cats that ran and hid and I always worried that people would suspect us of abusing our cats. But Fancy is as gregarious as a cat can be and takes everything in her stride. Even the vet was impressed by her nonchalant reaction to the vaccination injection.
The locum vet, told us Other Cat was fat, putting her at risk of kitty heart attacks and feline diabetes, but that Fancy was just right. She suggested that we restrict Other Cat's diet and spend some quality time playing with her to keep her more active.

She's not fat, she's fluffy
We have to take our cat to the vet in a Labrador Retriever-sized dog crate that my wife's parents had in their attic. You could fit 15 or 20 cats in that thing, but trying to catch the cat and cram it into its intended cage always took an hour. The vet and her assistants always get a kick out of seeing him show up.
Wow, I have to say, it's amazing, i've been looking for so long to find a cat like my cat maisie, and today was my lucky day, your cat is so much like my cat, except older
Do you know if she's a certain breed, or cross? or just plain moggie?
Plain moggie - we owned her mother who was a tuxedo patterned black and white and we saw her dad - we figure, 'cause he looked pretty much just like her except with a slightly different patternings. There's a whole flickr group dedicated to just such kitties:
cow cats!
oooh i see
thats cool
all we have is moggies anyway
judging by the pics my cats going the same way, she's huge already!
oops that anonymous was by me.. sorry clicked wrong button hehe!
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