Thursday, December 15, 2005

ViL: Newt Gingrich on Fox

Just been watching Neil Cavuto interview Newt Gingrich on Fox News. For a softie pinko left-liberal like me, it was chilling stuff. According to Newt:

1. The US's war with (bad? couldn't catch word) Islam (he said Islam) will last 50-70 years.
2. US forces will remain in Iraq permanently, like in Germany, Japan and South Korea.
3. The US will probably invade Iran within 3-5 years.

#2 especially is news to me. I think it might be news to the people of Iraq, also. #1, I don't know where Newt got that figure from, I think the purpose was to entrench the idea of the War on Terror as permanent. #3, I knew the US was planning to attack Iran but I thought they were planning a limited war (albeit probably using "bunker buster" tactical nuclear weapons) with no major ground invasion; according to Newt though it will be a full "regime change" operation as with Iraq.

Hm. I hope:
1. Newt isn't speaking settled White House policy.
2. Somebody sensible gets elected President and has a good think about this.


genderist said...

I am very concerned with how much you're watching Fox News...

Vol Abroad said...

It's difficult. It's the only American news channel we have and it's just so darned entertaining

Vol-in-Law said...

I learn much from Fox news... not just "Many Republicans are crazy bad" (qv Newt post) but also sometimes facts; eg Fox is weather-obsessed and had Katrina coverage on the ground nearly a week before the BBC journos arrived. I learn a lot about what the White House wants people to think, and I can compare Fox's right-wing propaganda with the BBC's leftist propaganda and with other sources and usually get a fairly good idea what's actually happening.