Oh, yes. It's the ultimate accessory.
Now, I could excuse you for thinking that perhaps a girl who had not one, but two of these already might not need another one. The one on the right I scrounged from my in-laws and the one on the left I found at a thrift store in Prague. And you know, it was so dang cold, I promptly put that second-hand Eastern European hat on my head and wore it, if not proudly, then at least warmly.

But I think you have to admit that that Cabelas hat is purely something else.
To be honest it reminded me of a documentary I once saw on Cats. I was all excited, thinking it would be all about the secret life of cats, but instead it was all about how pesky cats were and how we must reduce their numbers. I'm a cat lover, so this didn't go down to well with me. Especially, when I saw this guy who also likes fur hats a la Cabelas, but weird Australian naturalist John Wamsley's is made of cat.

Seeing cruelty to cats always makes me want to give my cats affection. So I said "no dead cats for hats" - and picked up Other Cat and put her on my head. Not advisable. She took a plug out of me.
And here's what she thinks of other kinds of furry hats.

Perhaps crudely fashioned animal and faux animal skins will be the next big fashion trend.
One can only hope.
In London, it already is. I sat next to a gal on the tube this morning who was wearing a fur coat (I think it was very good faux) and (very definitely faux)fur topped moccasin style boots. As I followed her off at my stop, I thought - are you going to work at some London office or are you planning to go trapping in the East End?
Cave man chic. Nice.
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