Sunday, November 13, 2005

Elizabeth II: Crusader Queen?

According to recently revealed Al Qaeda videotape, the Queen is Enemy Number One to Islam.

She is responsible for "crusader laws" and is the "severest enemy of Islam". This is risible. The Queen isn't even in charge of the scissors she uses to cut ribbons at openings and she can't even manage to be a "severe enemy" to Islam in her own home. Yes, I've occasionally wondered if Prince Charles is a crypto-islamist, given his fondness for the religion and his frequent public statements in support of it. Daniel Pipes has blogged a dossier suggesting his secret conversion.

His latest update includes snippets from a column by Julie Birchill -

What's not to like about Islam if you're the Prince of Wales?

I wonder why Prince Charles seeks to big up powerful, theocratic Islam — which already controls so much land and wealth and yet will kill and kill to gain more — and not vulnerable, pluralistic Israel? Why doesn't he invest as much energy in defence of the persecuted and murdered Christians who suffer for their beliefs under Islamic regimes?

She then answers her own questions:

Well, I think I know why; because cleaving to Islam is the one way that men who wish to appear liberal and enlightened can promote reactionary ideas. Monarch-worshipping, woman-oppressing, non-democratic — what's there not for Charles to like!

HT: Harry's Place: God Save the Queen

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