I started off my evening at my friend D's birthday drinks. I met his girlfriend V for the first time. She was marvellous. She's a primary school teacher, but seems to be of the "My favourite teacher is Miss V" variety rather than "Miss V is so mean." I've been working with D on a project for over two years now, and a lot of our best work has been done in pubs. Really. As I left, I said goodbye to V and she said "Now that I've met you, I know when D says he has a meeting with you, you two are really just drinking in the pub." But she said it in such a generous way. I replied "We work really, really hard in the pub."
I left there to catch the last 40 seconds of the Texas - Texas A&M game. I missed a heckuva game. I got some commiseration over the dreadful Volunteer football. I don't want sympathy, I want a winning football team. I don't want a team that's the laughing stock of the NCAA (Honk if your team beat Tennessee) But still... Good luck to Texas - the other UT. One guy - a completely obsessed football nut told me his prediction was that the Texas Tech coach (was it the head coach Mike Leach?) would be on his way to Knoxville soon.
I met up with the Texan there who was not endowed with her usual vim and vigor and powerful thirst for liquor. She's been working in North Africa and has caught some kind of Tunisian Tummy Trouble. I went with her to a cavernous bar called the Knights Templar near Chancery Lane. The Texan won't get on the Tube if she can help it, so we walked and we walked and we walked. (We could have got there quickly and easily with three stops on the central line and a 5 minute walk either end.) On the way, I lost my buzz and bought a six inch Subway Sub. My sole purchase.

Of course, there was one other purchase. We bought our flights to Tennessee today. My stomach clenches at the thought of all that money. But it will be good to be back to the Home of the Vols. Perhaps, dear Tennessee readers, we can meet up for a drink.
Photo is from freefoto.com according to their terms and conditions.
Though I'm not technically a TN reader any longer, I hope you'll consider giving me a holler. I'll share my homebrew.
You bet. That sounds like free drinks.
Well there's no such thing as a free lunch, but there may be free beer!
You can count me in... I plan on making a trip back to the LBG, too.
Hey, let's all meet up at the Owl's Nest if the place hasn't burned down.
Are you talking about that place on Hwy 43 in Ethridge?
If so, I believe it is no longer in b'ness. I was on that very road yesterday.
If not, then forget I said anything.
Yep, that's the one. I did hear it's for sale.
I've spent part of Christmas Eve there in the past - a good night out.
I would say I'm sorry it's gone out of business, but frankly I'm surprised it was still in business.
I drive by there about once every couple of months on the way to see my folks in Florence. It seems like the sign has been down for about a year or so, but don't quote me on that.
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