Saturday, November 12, 2005


The Vol-in-Law and I had a little disagreement recently, one of those long running low grade domestic differences of opinion (in this case about the proper approach and style to bed making). We just do not see eye-to-eye on this.

The Vol-in-Law insists he's right and said to me "On this one, I'm the McCain and you're the Cheney."



Dan said...

I am pathologically incapable of making my bed any different from the way I was taught in the Army. The Army Way is the soul of simplicity, efficiency, and functionality. The same with folding clothes. The Army had a specific and inviolable method for folding clothes that maximizes space and minimizes the time it takes to do it. It also, coincidentally, prevents wrinkles. The Army does many things very foolishly, but the little techniques they teach for ordering your surroundings are useful forever.

Anonymous said...

I got my bed-making pathology from 2 years at boarding school. The Vol has broken me of making the bed in the morning - especially as our bed is too big to make it easy - but I can't stand sleeping in an unmade bed, so I make it every night before I go to bed. This is usually while the Vol is already esconced in the bed and it gets made around her, hence her plaintive cries.

Dan said...

Too big to make in the morning? That's awesome! A bed cannot be too big. There truly is something disconcerting about an unmade bed. The swirl of sheets stare at you acussingly until they are ordered. You are certainly faultless in desiring a tidy place to spend a third of your existence.