Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Remember Babar Ahmad - the guy from Tooting who is probably shortly on his way to the good old US of A for trial on terrorism charges?

Well, someone in his family, my guess is his wife (but no real indication one way or the other since it's an anonymous comment) - has expressed regret that we haven't popped 'round for a friendly chat.

Sure thing, hon. Next time I'm up on Fountain Road, I'll drop by, since they're such a normal family.

But she's right on one thing I do have to fess up to poor spelling on the word extradition.


Just as a little reminder here's the US Department of Justice request for extradition (link to a large pdf file)


jen said...

Jinkies, that's MY road! Oy vey.

Vol Abroad said...

Well, maybe you can go round for some tea.