But I say, heck, it's an easy mistake to make - what with all them Al-this-as and Al-thattas.
Here's a little primer.
This is Al Qaeda - our enemy.

This is Al Jazeera, that pesky Arab television station.

And this an Al Pacino. He's just an actor. Really.

Where does Al Jarreau fit in?
Dang - that's who I was trying to think of...!! But couldn't quite remember his name - had to go with Pacino.
That's why you get the big blogging bucks.
You also overlooked Al Caiola.
Pacino also works--especially with that picture.
I believe I have misplaced my "big blogging bucks", as I cannot seem to locate them.
There's also Al D'Amato.
And I'd look in to those missing funds.
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