Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hooray for Dollywood 2

Today's the Vol-in-Law's birthday. So we're off to Dollywood.

We've already had a nice walk this morning- from 16th Street in the Fort up through the World's Fair site to Market Square and on to Gay Street, where I did a little shopping at Yee Haw industries and bought a Knoxville Girl t-shirt and an excellent Buford Pusser poster: he cracked skulls for justice.

(Thanks to Swap Blog and the Knoxville Christmas Post for alerting me to that store- sorry I can't link ya on this thing).

I was also able to show the ViL the Gay Street wig shop featured in that famous Simpsons in Knoxville episode - the one where the SunSphere gets it.


Anglofille said...

Happy Birthday, Vol-in-Law! Today is my birthday too!!! Now, do you consider yourself a Sagittarius or a Capricorn? I'm a Sag.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope your trip is going better than mine did. I had to get smashed on the plane home to overcome the trauma. Don't try that.

Vol-in-Law said...

Hi Sarai - hope you had a good winter solstice/birthday! Doesn't it suck having a birthday this time of year? >:) I used to consider myself Sag as most newspaper horoscopes put Sag to 21 Dec, but then I noticed the Cap horoscopes always seemed more accurate. I was born premature, should have been born 13th Jan, so guess I'm more a Cap.