Monday, December 12, 2005

The thought that counts

The Vol-in-Law wins the prize for bad gift giver. Guess what I got for my birthday this year? I would say nothing, but he (and friends H and V) did clean the blood off the floor at my birthday party (while I took drunken victim to the emergency room) and he did cheerfully wear the frilly tuxedo shirt I bought him for said party.

Guess what I got for our wedding anniversary? He didn't even bother to clean any blood off the floor.

Christmas last year? I think I got a bottle of Jack.

Valentine's Day? Hah!

When I helpfully suggest that he may wish to skill up in the present buying department, he mutters and mumbles and says something about a joint account and it doesn't really seem right spending my own money on a gift for me.

I know it's shallow, but I gots to keep up with the Joneses on this one. When returning to the office or speaking to friends and relatives - I'm asked "What did the Vol-in-Law get you?" I have to say something like "Well, we're getting some new flooring," and then I get the pitying expression, followed by "My husband/partner/boyfriend got me the most perfect...."

In his family of origin Christmas is an understated affair. But in mine, VolMom let you know when she didn't like your gift*, and was pretty clear what an ungrateful son/daughter/husband you were for not putting enough thought/taste/effort/expense into a gift for her. So on the one hand, I don't want to go down that road, but on the other I want me some loot.

So - ViL, jewellry is nice. West End tickets are good. Those beautiful Tennessee Orange Liberty gloves (size S) This dashing chapeau. Iitala glassware (available at Selfridges and Liberty), and these people have some pretty cool stuff. (HT to Swap Blog and the Knoxville Christmas post).


* I am exceedingly nervous about this year - as I am certain that I haven't put enough thought/taste/effort/expense into VolMom's gift. I would go into it here - but she reads this blog.


Vol-in-Law said...

Maybe a small bowl of crystallised fruit?

St. Caffeine said...

I feel for the ViL as he has some high standards to live up to. His wife once gave me one of my all time favorite presents -- a used copy of "Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book", complete with pithy comment from Vol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the mention, H/T, and link. We are glad someone read that post as we thought it was a good one, but we seemed to get no feedback on it. Anyway, thanks and have a great Christmas in London.

Vol Abroad said...

No, I'm having Christmas in Tennessee this year. And I'm going up there and getting a Cas Walker poster.

It was a really useful post. Very good.

Vol-in-Law said...

I have now purchased the Vol's Winterval Gift ('Christmas Present' in Oldspeak). It cost a large amount of her money (technically 'our' money). I wish to hear no more on this matter.