Yes, that's right the Killhope mine. What kid wouldn't want to be sent down a lead mine? With a name like Killhope, it's got to be good! The pictured kids look absolutely ecstatic. But it's not just a creepy tour into mining conditions of the past. Oh no, there's so much more...

You can engage in a little child labor. The brochure suggests that you:
Try your hand as a 'washer-boy' and see what you can find - shiny bits of quartz, flurospar or galena maybe?
Hmm...what's galena? Galena is lead mineral, lead ore, basically. That's right parents, you can take your kid to play with some lead!
I would have taken you and given you a lesson on child labor and how hard it was for the government to ever pass child labor laws or the 40 hour week or workers compensation. You see, if such a thing had been available in the US, you might not be working for the Conservatives now. (I just can not get that out of my mind.)
Hey, Vol Mom, you missed your chance
though you would have had to haul the family to WV.
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