OK, I’m not even going to follow that link, but just imagine - imagine what Dickens World would be like. Oh, the street urchins, the squalor, the bleakness, the pick pockets, the long hours, cold rooms and utter desperation…
Paah, why leave London?
I mean what's next? Flannery O'Connor Land, the Faulkner Fun Fayre*, Dorothy Parker's kiddie adventure playground?
Although at least at Dickens World, you'll have a bit of fun at the end of the day.
*turn left upon entering Yawknapatopha County, from any direction
I went to Oxford, Miss. a few summers ago to see the Faulkner sights. The town cashes in on him, that's for sure. Lovely place though.
My old pal whose blog can be found here:
went to Ole Miss and showed me all the Faulkner stuff when I went for a visit once. It's nice. Not that far from where I went to high school - you know, not as far as Atlanta or London, say.
every day in every way, Flannery O'Conner Land is open for business already, heh heh!! they just don't charge admission now to the sights and sounds of her world.
yeah, if Dicken's World doesn't give you a horrible cough and coat you with coal, smoke, then it isn't Dicken's world. though the Bleak House ride would last a loooooong time!
um sorry, make that Dickens, not Dicken's. I need nore coffee.
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