I haven't seen a dogwood in bloom for 11 years. Really.

They're pretty rare in England. In fact, I don't think this is a Cornus florida (the common dogwood we know in the South East USA) - but probably something a little different. Still, I was pretty excited. It was at the RHS Wisley botannical gardens.
Its a cornus kousa. These bloom with the leaves on. Cornus florida blooms appear prior to putting on leaves. Of course I prefer the cornus florida. VolMom
But then, flowers with leaves are better than dead flowers and dead leaves which we are enjoying after the April Deep Freeze. Many trees still have no leaves. When you cross the big bridge coming into Summertown, there is not one bit of green, no one. There are no cedars in that area and no pines. Not one bit of green and almost May. And few, very few April showers.
If it were not for you and Cletus, I would be in serious depression.
No - I don't think it is a Cornus kousa. Because there was an absolutely classic example of C. kousa right next to this one. I have heard that there is some kind of kousa X florida that does OK in England - so I think this might be it.
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